4 professional musicians, 4 best friends, string quartet. They love to play classical music, but not this time. Pop, rock & film music on the classical string instruments just for your ears. More...
De Facto Quartet
You may already have heard about the De Facto Quartet from the TV show “ČS Má Talent” (Czechia and Slovakia Has Talent). However, it is also a lot of time and dedication by all of the members of the quartet which has made the television success possible. Every member has performed around the world on many big occasions, sometimes even through co-operating with a selection of well known people/artists such as: [jména] . Despite their presence on the world stage, the Quartet likes to return to their roots and perform music through busking. You may have heard them playing in the last two years on the streets of Prague, where through their immense talent they managed to create a spectacular show to all passers-by.
They have now put together all of their experiences and talent to form a unique show. They will perform your favourite melodies and tunes on classical instruments as you have not yet heard them!
Czech - Slovak Got Talent
Fragrance of the Year